The new tool is the latest addition to Walter’s ever-expanding grooving and parting off range that offers users increased tool life and high process reliability in the quickest cycle times.
Suitable for parting diameters of up to 35mm, DX18 features a positive engagement system – the insert geometry lends itself to being locked securely – compared to conventional screw clamping where the characteristics of the cutting forces (for parting off) mean that the existing clamping forces are insufficient, with negative effects on machining quality and process reliability.
Another innovation with the Walter Cut DX18 is the use of the SmartLock system in the G4014 toolholders which simplifies insert changeover. Rather than having to remove the entire tool (often in cramped and ‘oily’ machine conditions), SmartLock’s insert clamping screw is changeable to either side of the tool for easy and quick insert change, with a blanking plug provided to protect the unused side. Thanks to the positive engagement, a new insert – even those of very narrow width - will always locate correctly.
Walter GB reports that DX18 is the latest addition to an ever-expanding Walter range of grooving and parting off tools to meet rising demand, especially in mass production.
The trend towards miniaturisation of even more complex component geometries is one of the driving forces for Walter’s ever-evolving range for tasks where users consider an alternative only when there are problems with process reliability or when machining strategies are changed.
This, says Walter GB, is where its Walter Cut portfolio consistently scores in terms of productivity levels and cost advantages (cycle times, tool life and process reliability).
Typical problem areas, especially for machining operations when grooving deeper into the workpiece, are the stable fixing of the indexable inserts, chip breaking and cooling. So, users often play it safe by reducing cutting data below recommended values. It is in such applications, adds Walter GB, where the Walter Cut range can make the difference.
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